Here's my little garden. Looks kind of dead. The tomato plant that I thought had died at least 3 times now, has started producing tomatoes again. Poor thing. I should have pruned it so it wasn't so gangly. I didn't realize it would try to grow again.
I also have a baby tomato plant that is trying to grow. I should move it in to the greenhouse soon so that it doesn't get too cold but I have to make sure the days don't get too hot. I don't want it to cook!
The squash worms got the squash. I was disappointed.
I really need to find a place to plant my baby trees because they are getting too big for their little pots.
So that's the latest. I'm not going to try to plant any cold weather crops like lettuce because I don't eat it that much and I think it will be just as disappointing as the quash. Maybe next year will be better.